ADU Services has developed a number of online professional courses for the maritime industry and institutions in collaboration with numerous industry leaders. We continue to work with the industry and the institutions in designing and developing online and "blended" solutions focused to their individual needs.
Ship Superintendent
These e-learning programs make extensive use of various learning elements such as, interactive case studies, expert's viewpoints, quizzes and group discussions. The student can also draw from the resource section which offers practical downloads, related web links and helpful references. The student can learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. More Details
Breakbulk Shipping
Transportation of heavy lift, project cargo and non-containerized cargo is a sector of shipping that requires specialized knowledge. As a rapidly growing, important area of maritime business, Breakbulk Shipping calls for new entrants with the appropriate skills and existing professionals who can achieve a global benchmark of industry knowledge.
In support of this unified standard, ADU Services is pleased to offer the first ever interactive online course in Breakbulk Shipping. More Details
LNG Cargo Operations
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a clean, eco-friendly, and easy-to-burn fuel. It has good heating ability (calorific value) and offers relatively better fuel efficiency when used for domestic or industrial purposes. The worldwide share of LNG trade has increased from 6% in 1970 to over 30% today. This boom has led to rapid expansion in the LNG trade and the number of LNG ships carrying this cargo.
However, the supply of qualified and experienced crew to man these specialist vessels is unable to keep up with the demand. Hence, qualified crew members are highly sought after and well-rewarded.
To support this demand, ADU Services is offering this first ever, interactive course that will benefit those interested in this area of opportunity and professional development. More Details
Maritime Logistics
Maritime Shipping has played a key role in facilitating global commerce for centuries. Today, the competitive advantage goes to those organizations that excel in the logistics of cargo transport and manage a global supply chain. Experienced personnel who have the skills and knowledge to support this competence are highly valuable and sought after.
To meet this demand, ADU Services is pleased to offer the first ever, interactive online course in Maritime Logistics. More Details
Marine Engineering
Marine Engineering courses are designed for and aimed at marine engineering officers looking to close their knowledge and skills gaps in various aspects of technology and operations. The use of interactive multimedia throughout these courses makes the complex technology and operations concepts easy to understand.
In support of this demand, ADU Services is pleased to offer interactive online courses in Marine Engineering. More Details
Ship Operations
Ship Operations courses are designed for and aimed at deck officers looking to close their knowledge and skills gaps in various aspects of technology and operations. The use of interactive multimedia throughout these courses makes the complex technology and operations concepts easy to understand.
To meet this demand, ADU Services is pleased to offer interactive courses in Ship Operations. More Details