ADU Services is built on a strong track record in creating online courses for continuing education and skills development, and working with partner institutions to successfully offer these courses. ADU Services has partnered with Singapore Polytechnic’s PACE Academy to offer bridging courses in Math and Sciences. In addition, ADU Services will be rolling out vocational and skills development courses through the ePACE initiative
O-Level Series
A series of secondary education level courses in Mathematics and Sciences. These courses are configured equivalent to various O-Level syllabus and will provide the necessary foundation for students seeking to refresh or reinforce their basics before entering college or polytechnic.
Courses include:
- O level Additional Maths
- O level Biology
- O level Chemistry
- O level Maths
- O level Physics
- O level Science (Chemistry & Biology)
- O level Science (Physics & Biology)
- O level Science (Physics & Chemistry)
A-Level Series
A series of higher secondary education level courses in Mathematics and Sciences. These courses are configured equivalent to various A-Level syllabus and will provide the necessary foundation for students seeking to refresh or reinforce their knowledge before entering and during their university studies.
Courses include:
- A Level Biology H1
- A Level Biology H2
- A level Chemistry H1
- A level Chemistry H2
- A level Maths H1
- A level Maths H2
- A level Maths H3
- A level Physics H1
- A level Physics H2
College Series
A series of post-secondary education level courses in Mathematics and Sciences. These courses are configured to provide the necessary curriculum for university or college students engaged in various academic streams – general, business or technical studies.
Courses include:
- Mathematics for Engineering
- Mathematics for Business
- College Preparatory Mathematics
- College Physics for Engineering
- College Preparatory Physics